

Price is in €/kg, excluding VAT. The price depends on the variety and quantity. Additional discount applies for a large quantities.
Each bag of certified seeds is marked with a personal label. Packed in 25 kg bags.


  • The name of the plant: Phacelia
  • Latin name: Phacelia tanacetifolia
  • Variety name: STALA / NATRA / ANGELIA / PHACI
  • Sowing rate: 15-20 kg/ha
Category: Tag:


Phacelia – is a plenty of nectar source and long-flowering plant that can grow up to 1 m tall in fertile fields. Phacelia can be sown together with vetches, oats, a mixture of vetches and oats, with lupins and peas. Phacelia, grown in the same area for several years, self-sows. Phacelia seeds are harvested at the end of flowering, without waiting until they are fully ripe, because the plant tends to scatter the seeds.

Use: grown for fallow, green manure, as a cover crop, also suitable for silage and green fodder. It is very woody, so it is suitable for bee “pastures”.

Cultivation features: cultivated in sunny places and sufficiently moist, moderately heavy, fertile soil. It takes a long time to germinate, the seeds need moisture to swell, so it is advisable to sow in weed-free soil. Tolerates short frosts, so you can sow early.