Perennial ryegrass (late) is a 60-80 cm tall retaker grass of the mistletoe (Poaceae) family. The root is tufted, the leaves are narrow, linear, serrate, bright shiny, the fruits are green. Inflorescence – a narrow penis, in which the spikelets are attached to the side. Spreads by seeds and short underground shoots. The grass blooms until mid-June.
Use: for pastures, meadows, fodder, special purpose grasslands (green areas of airports, roads, etc.). Cultivated in mixtures and as a monoculture. In infrequently mown meadows, weed is not recommended due to the abundantly formed shoots with inflorescences.
Cultivation features: tolerates trampling, is well bushy and quickly regenerates after mowing. Likes non-acidic loam soils. Lasts longer in more fertile, longer-moisture and heavily nitrogen-fertilized soils. Some varieties winter worse. Does not tolerate high groundwater.