Birdsfoot trefoil

12.82 be PVM

Price is in €/kg, excluding VAT. The price depends on the variety and quantity. Additional discount applies for a large quantities.
Each bag of certified seeds is marked with a personal label. Packed in 25 kg bags.


  • The name of the plant: Birdsfoot trefoil
  • Latin name: Lotus corniculatus
  • Sowing rate: 12-15 kg/ha
Category: Tag:


Birdsfoot trefoil – tolerant of grazing, so it is suitable for pastures. Unfortunately, green flowering gorse are eaten reluctantly because of the bitter substances. As the plant dries, the bitter compounds break down. The hay is very soft and its chemical composition is similar to alfalfa. Due to its good root system, it is suitable for greening hills and slopes. It, like other legumes, is able to accumulate nitrogen in the soil.

Use: fodder plant, but also growing in natural meadows. According to scientists, it can be grown as a nitrogen-fixing plant in mixtures instead of white clover if the soils are acidic.

Cultivation features: it can grow in drier, diverse soils, it can be used to plant hilly fields. Can grow in both acidic and neutral soils (pH 5-7). It does not tolerate shading, so it is better to grow it in mixtures with slow-growing bell and leguminous grasses.