Hybrid ryegrass – science articles refer to hybrid or Bush sedges as being created by crossing perennial sedges with large-flowered sedges. Depending on the strength of the parental or maternal plant genotype, hybrids can have more pronounced characteristics of either large-flowered or perennial sedges. If you inherit more of the rich-flowered sedges, they are more productive, but less resistant to winter conditions and rarer, and if you inherit the characteristics of perennial sedges, they can last longer in grasslands.
Hybrid ryegrass also come in two types – for forage or for lawns. Forage varieties are more often grown in mixtures with perennial sedges or white and red clovers, rather than monocultures.
Use: depending on the characteristics of the variety – for fodder or lawns. The crop is used for making hay and haylage. Can be sown in pasture mixtures.
Cultivation features: likes non-acidic loamy soils. Lasts longer in more fertile, longer-moisture and heavily nitrogen-fertilized soils. These hybrids are more drought tolerant than the profuse flowers, and bloom in spring is similar to early perennials.