What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural constituent of industrial hemp – a chemical compound that is extracted from hemp flowers and leaves. In contrast to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not a psychoactive substance. About 100 other cannabinoids. including CBD, are found in cannabis plants, but CBD is the most widely used because of its positive properties.

CBD extract can be obtained naturally or synthetically. In our products, we use only naturally extracted CBD. The extract is derived from certified hemp grown on open soil without pesticides or herbicides. The extract is then tested by accredited laboratories to ensure that the amount of THC in the extract does not exceed the required level of 0.2%.

How is hemp oil different from hemp seed oil?

Hemp oil is extracted for CBD and is used in medicine or as a dietary supplement. It is extracted from the plant’s flowers and leaves. Hemp seed oil is extracted from seeds and although it has many beneficial properties, there is no CBD in this oil. Hemp seed oil is used in food, medicine, and cosmetics.

There are many studies on the positive effects of CBD on the human body:

It has been scientifically proven that CBD can serve 65 different purposes and has an effect on practically all body systems, especially the immune system. CBD can positively affect:

  • Vanilloid receptors –
    responsible for pain levels;
  • Serotonin receptors –
    affects mood, anxiety, and depression;
  • Adenosine receptors –
    Responsible for the quality of sleep;
  • Endocannabinoids –
    affects stress, energy levels, memory, and appetite.

CBD can help with these diseases:

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